Homewood Community Addiction Services (CADS)
This service offers individual counselling sessions to people who are concerned with substance use issues.
Counselling services include:
- Personal assessment
- Referral to other community programs
- Harm reduction strategies
- Motivational interviewing

Please contact Here 24/7 at 1-844-437-3247 (1-844-HERE247) for referral information.

150 Delhi Street
Guelph, ON N1E 6K9 Canada
Phone: (519) 836-5733
Email: cadsinfo@homewoodhealth.com
For more information, please visit the Homewood Community Addiction Services website at:https://homewoodhealth.com/health-centre/resources/community-addiction-service/overview.
Virtual Addiction Counselling
Due to the growing concerns regarding COVID-19, virtual addiction counselling is highly recommended.
The Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation (CACCF) offers addiction counselling from the comfort of your own home. You will be able to reach an addiction counsellor via video call, phone call, or message chat. Schedule an appointment today!

For more information, please visit the Virtual Addiction Counselling website at:https://caccf.live.clinic/.