Phase III Aftercare Program
Homewood Health Centre offers a 52 week aftercare program for individuals who have completed Homewood’s Addiction Medicine Program. This program aims to help prevent relapse and to develop problem-solving and coping skills required for recovery.

If you have not completed a residential treatment program at Homewood Health Centre and you are interested in joining this program, please contact an aftercare program coordinator to determine eligibility for this program.
For more information, please contact Homewood Health Centre or visit

150 Delhi Street
Guelph, ON N1E 6K9 Canada
Phone: (519) 824-1010 ext. 32551
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery from substance use through the involvement of an on-going support network of other recovering addicts. Regular attendance of weekly meetings is recommended.

Due to the current public health concerns related to COVID-19, many Narcotics Anonymous meeting locations have been temporarily closed. Please check the Narcotics Anonymous: Meetings website for in-person meeting locations or for scheduled virtual sessions.
For more information, please visit the Narcotics Anonymous website at: