What is a CTS?
- A health service where people who use drugs have available treatment and support
- They provide a life saving service to better serve the community and those facing drug addiction problems
- It is a safe, hygienic institute for people who have pre-obtained drugs to use under the supervision of trained health professionals
- It provides sterile injection supplies, educational resources on topics such as: safe consumption, overdose prevention and intervention
- Also provides other supports including primary healthcare, addiction treatment services, mental health supports, housing and other social services
“I believe this will have positive outcomes – lower HIV rates, safe needles, access to treatment and mental health services – those should be the goals.”
(Key informant from community consultation report via Guelph CHC, March 2019)
Guelph and CTS
- In April of 2019 Guelphs own CTS was established
- Currently operating out of the Guelph Community Health Centre (CHC)
- 176 Wyndham Street N. Guelph, ON N1H 8N9
- the space includes two injection booths supervised by medical and site staff to provide medical assessment and monitoring
- Benefits of the program:
- harm reduction
- saving lives
- strengthening community safety
- providing access to treatment and care
- reducing stigma surrounding drug addiction and use
- providing a responsive and well managed service
- reducing the burden on other health care services

Guelph Safe Injection Site to Double its Capacity
For more information please visit: http://guelphchc.ca/about-us/